Mother Tongue
Department Goal
In Park View Primary School, we would like to nurture students to be confident user and lifelong learners of the Mother Tongue language.
The Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Teaching and Learning Framework guides the department in setting a direction and structure in its teaching learning of the Mother Tongue Language, in alignment with the school’s vision and mission.

The acquisition of language skills to as high a level as the student is able to, forms the core of the Mother Tongue Department’s Teaching and Learning Framework.
A 3-prong approach – Support, Enrich and Stretch is adopted in achieving this goal.

The strategies adopted by the department include:
Harness the use of varied strategies such as Cooperative Learning strategies and ICT in engaging students in their learning.
Create platforms and opportunities that nurture students to be proficient users of the mother tongue language and develop their 21st century competencies.
Adopt varied assessment modes and provide timely assessment and feedback (both formative and summative) to students and parents.
Provide exposure opportunities to develop students’ cultural appreciation of the language.
Beyond the efforts of the school, parents, community and MOE’s involvement and support also play an essential in nurturing our students to be confident user and lifelong learners of the Mother Tongue language.