Positive Discipline @ Park View
Teaching pupils to think right and be responsible for their own behaviour.
Creating a positive and conducive learning environment through a Culture of Care.
Restorative Practice (RP)
A whole-school approach is used to support disciplinary processes.
A philosophy and set of values and tools focusing on restoring and strengthening relationships in conflict management.
Uses principles of restitution, accountability and resolution.
An alternative to punitive punishment.
Positive Discipline @ Home
Show care and concern through words and deeds.
E.g. Establish a good relationship through investment of TIME. It shows that you care enough to give up your time for your child.
Focus on controlling yourself - not your child.
Model the type of behaviour you want your child to emulate. Be calm and objective.
Be consistent with your expectations.
Have a uniform set of rules and consequences for all to abide with. Children need routines especially those with behavioural problems.
Understand the meaning behind the behaviour.
Ask to find out more. Don't judge straight away. Seek to first understand them to be understood.
Redirect, redirect, redirect.
Instead of telling your child what not to do, offer a positive behaviour to replace the misbehaviour.
Give attention to the behaviour you like - not the behaviour you don't.
Don't bribe.