Physical & Health Education
Department Goal
To enable our students to demonstrate individually and with others the physical skills, practices, and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living.
To enable and encourage our students to be active after leaving school, with a greater focus on building a strong foundation in fundamental movement skills (FMS) and broad-based development through a range of enjoyable and varied physical activities.

Enable Health and Fitness for life
Provide platforms for students to choose, experience and engage in physical activities through participation in sports and health-related programmes and activities.
Deepening Enjoyment of Active and Healthy Living
Expose students to a range of sports and games skills through sporting events/programmes and PE lessons.
Enhance students’ sports experience through the school’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP) – Sports Experiential Programme.
Enhance holistic assessment of student learning and physical development via PE Holistic Development Profile (HDP):
- self and peer assessment (subject-based/learning outcomes)
- self and peer assessment (in Values, SEL & 21CC)
Enrichment Programme
P1 Jump Rope Enrichment
Jump Rope is a sport for all ages and abilities. It helps the development and improvement of psychomotor skills, coordination, agility, flexibility, stamina and endurance. It is also proven to strength bones and joints. Beside all these benefits, Jump Rope can also increase self-esteem and confidence when skippers increase their skill levels and develop performing skills.
Our Jump Rope Programme is aimed to introduce the essential jump rope skills and equips the P1 students with the right skills and improve the overall fitness and stamina of the skippers and at the same time develop their coordination, teamwork and leadership skills.

P2 Wushu Enrichment
Wushu Enrichment is a programme customised for P2 students. It aims to introduce our students to basic martial arts through engaging lessons. Throughout the programme, emphasis will be placed on hand and leg movements and coordination. Students will then be able to perform a basic routine.
The programme also seeks to inculcate values of Respect, Discipline and Perseverance in the students. Students reap the benefits of improved focus and better conduct. Our Parent Support Group partners the school in facilitating the values education segment together with the Wushu coaches during lessons.

P5 Outdoor Adventure Learning Camp (Residential)
P5 Outdoor Adventure Learning Camp (Residential) As part of the National Outdoor Adventure Education (OAE) Master Plan, all Primary 5 students participate in an Outdoor Adventure Learning Camp. Through the camp, students develop social emotional competencies including self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship management and responsible decision making. They will also learn to manage one’s safety during outdoor activities and demonstrate responsible decision making towards self, others and the community and environment.
During the camp, students will participate in activities and games that include:
Teambuilding activities
Low/Middle/High Elements
Walking/Nature Scavenger Hunt
Campfire, etc.
Through adventure challenges and activities, students get to:
Overcome their fears and limitations
Challenge themselves
Grow in confidence and self-esteem
Step outside their comfort zone
Develop an appreciation for nature
Manage risk and learn to reflect
Develop team-building and leadership skills

School Events
PVPS Family Run & Walk Challenge
To deepen the enjoyment of active and healthy living, encourage students and their family members to stay active, and to promote family bonding through participation in physical activities together, the PE department organizes the yearly PVPS Family Run & Walk Challenge where the students (accompanied by an adult family member at all times) would run and/or walk a specific distance within the stipulated time period. Screenshots of the runs will be submitted via a google form for tabulation after every workout. Students who accomplish the Challenge will win prizes that include medals, water bottles, finisher tees, etc.

PVPS Olympics
PVPS Olympics, one of the key sporting events in the school is a series of events leading up to the culmination of the PVPS Olympics Day where students represent their houses and battle it out to be crowned Champion House of the year.
The aims of the event are to provide a platform for students from different classes and levels to mingle, forge friendships and to demonstrate qualities such as sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play. The PVPS Olympics put to test both individual competencies and team camaraderie through various sports events

P1 Orientation Programme (Telematch)
During P1 Orientation Week, the PE department organizes a Telematch for the P1 students. It is a type of class-based games and sports that is played in a fun setting, with the students working together to complete various tasks or activities. Telematch challenges may test the students' physical agility, fundamental movement skills, balance, coordination, speed, and endurance, as well as their mental skills, such as problem-solving, strategic thinking, and communication.
School Programmes
Health Awareness Week
Active Friday
The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in a fun and structured way with a whole school approach on Fridays via workouts as part of morning assembly and promoting eating fruits and vegetables during recess by collecting of Fruittie and Veggie cards. The programme also empowers students by involving them in workouts, monitoring and rewarding their peers' consumption of fruits and vegetables.
The key focus is to encourage students to be active and motivate them to incorporate fruits and vegetables in their diets when they are in school. Additionally, the objective is to encourage students to make healthy habits parts of their own healthy lifestyle beyond school. Selected Student Ambassadors can display their leadership qualities and take ownership of helping their peers in cultivating a healthy lifestyle via the workout and Fruittie Veggie cards.

Unstructured Play / Recess Play
Children’s unstructured play has been recognized as a major agent in young children’s development and learning. Through play, children learn societal roles, norms, and values and develop physical and cognitive competencies, creativity, self-worth and efficacy. It specifically helps creativity and imagination, problem-solving abilities and social skills. Furthermore, children also report being happiest when at play.
In Park View Primary School, unstructured play is designed with the 3Is in mind – Intentional, Inclusive and Inspiring. We intentionally provide the environment and space to allow our students to develop physically through play, and to develop socially and emotionally through playing with others. Unstructured play takes place on every school day during the recesses at various venues in the school – Parade Square, Sheltered Court and the Football Field. Students choose the equipment they want to play with, who they want to play with and how they want to play. Hence, play becomes inclusive as students determine the level of play based on their skill and fitness level. Through engaging in unstructured play and interacting with their peers, we hope that students will inspire one another to lead an active and healthy life.